Monday, December 26, 2005

Christmas is Over

I just got back from 3 days at the in-laws. Had a good Christmas. It was great to see everyone. It has been a while since I had made it up there (I do not get a lot of time off). Donn is still up there. He went to hang out at our house. I sure wish I could be there with him. I am hoping to make it up there on my one vacation for next year. Now that the holidays are done, I only have a few projects to finish. My computer is about shot though, so I need to call and see if I can breath some more life into it. Donn is getting a new one, but I am sure he will limit my time on it so I want to keep this one going. I received a new Nano I-Pod as a bonus and want to get that up and running. It is killing me to have to wait, but my computer, as is, cannot generate enough memory to open i-tunes. I am hopping I will only have to add a couple RAM chips and all will be well. Cross your fingers for me!! I am also needing to finish the pink and orange true colors II journal by Jan 2nd. Okay...My mind is racing with all the other things that need to get done, so I better stop before the stress sets in again.

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Company Chistmas party at the palace. So much fun.

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Thursday, December 15, 2005

So Crazy

Christmas is 9-10 days away...what now!! I have so many Christmas cards to finish and gifts to make and orders to fill. My silver order has not gotten here yet. It better, or I am in trouble! Work is exhausting. Two crazy clients that I wish lived farther away! I need a vacation. This 3 day stuff just is not going to be enough for me. Same old same old. Oh well. Back to the grind.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Tiara the drink. Out at a club watching Sambadot.

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Saturday, December 03, 2005

turquoise journal page entry for true colors II Posted by Picasa

pink and limegreen true colors II journal cover detail Posted by Picasa

Friday, December 02, 2005

Oh My Gosh it is already December!!

The art show went great! I just sent out the next True Colors II journal. Turquoise was the color of this one. I did "turqoise water". I was going to have a mermaid in the center of it, but could not get myself to do something that so many others have already done, so I put a hammerhead shark in the middle instead. I really like the way it came out. I took some pictures and should try and load those up. We will see... I still feel a bit overwhelmed with A couple jewelry orders for Christmas, Christmas cards to make, and gifts to make or buy. Man (sigh) when will there be some me time to just play a few video games and put a model together? I gotta go...Bye