Thursday, December 20, 2012


Christmas is coming and it is officially time to give up on making anything more for gift sales. I have so many partially started and some great ideas that I just could not produce. I did get some presents made for friends and family, and that felt good. It was such a pleasure to find time to make some zipper bags for all the girls at work. I had never done any zipper work before. I am glad they all turned out.

I even made a stamp for a good friend living in Denmark. She works as a developer for LEGO. I hope she likes it. I love carving stamps.
 Just too much going on in October, November and December this year. All good stuff, but hard to fit it all in. My little princess (here in her first Christmas parade) gets the lion's share of my time, and that does make me very happy, I just wish I can fit in more. I gotta sleep sometime I guess.
Tomorrow I have some fun at the Art Clinic, then its off to Ashland Oregon for family and snow!! Just the girls! My mom, daughter and me are meeting with my sister to party! I have brought some art projects and hope to come back with a few new things. Here is to getting more done for next year!! I have lots of plans and ideas and I am hoping to start early this time (I say that every year I think)

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