Saturday, October 30, 2010

Getting Close on Some Pieces

Got the covers part way sewn on the 2 ROD journals. I just need to sew in the chipboard like stuff, stitch it all down, sew on the tie piece and sew in the signatures.

I love making the quilted like covers always makes me wonder why I haven't made a quilt.

Took my silver pieces for the bracelets to the tumbler today too. Just waiting for chain order to come in with jump rings and I might have some finished work on my hands.
I am so exhausted I will be heading to bed ASAP. I only wish I had the energy to start on my little bird tag things.
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Friday, October 29, 2010

I Did Pretty Good

I got my bracelets pretty close to done. I just need to chem color and tumble. The bracelet charms are almost ready too so I am quite confident there will be bracelets at the Queen of Arts show. I had a few bumps getting to the journals, but I feel pretty good about them and where they are at. Hope to do some tomorrow.

I did sew my personal journal together too yay!
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Thursday, October 28, 2010

Ready Set . . .


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Thursday Art Day

Took the day off work to try and catch up on some art projects.

Got my coffee and my hopeful list of what to work on. It will probably be after 10 by the time I get there and have to leave around 3:30 to get baby. I keep thinking I should clean the kitchen and vacuum, but I really need to get the projects a kick start or it will be yet another epic art fail. Okay..... One swift kick and I am off to The Art Clinic to work myself silly. New post with my accomplishments to follow *fingers crossed*
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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

I am so Official Now

Just started my etsy site. Nothing loaded yet, but I wanted to have it started so I can make moo cards for the Queen of Arts show! I guess I have to add an item before I get an official store front. I cannot wait to get home and see what I can add on there.

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Sunday, October 24, 2010

Getting My Smithing On

Soldered a bit, hammered a bit and got stones ready to make into cute pendants to hang on the bracelets.

I started these birds a while ago. I have big plans for them, but just want to finish them for Queen of Arts.

It did feel nice to warm up to my old work benches.

I just hope I can at least finish these 7 bracelets. I started these last year. There is a lot of hand work in them. Funny to think these used to be my easier, less complex pieces.

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Thursday, October 21, 2010

Nice Party

Tuesday after work we all went to a party to view a travel slide show of an awesome trip made to France, Bruges, and Amsterdam by a friend and coworker.

It was simply fabulous ! His house is beautiful and so inspiring in many different ways. I loved all of his art collection and various objects of interest. I love their taste. He is known for his cocktails and they did not disappoint! Super yummy cosmo!

And the views off his back porch was breathtaking. His kitchen has large windows with same view. I would just love to peel potatoes or wash dishes for hours just to stare at that view. It was a very needed break from my everyday stuff. Thank You Cliff and Jeff!
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Monday, October 18, 2010

Working working

2 days of working on some new journals for the show. Not much to show for it.

Got organized and the insides finished for one journal.

I think I can get in two or 3 more. We'll see. I will try to solder a bit tonight.
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Sunday, October 10, 2010

A Little Bit of Rime to Solder?

Got back from an awesome Sunday trip with baby and family with high hopes of completing a quick solder job. Took some time to get it set up right only to find out my tank was empty. Awe man!
Heard my Sis and her hubby posted some fun pictures from their trip down under. Sure cannot wait to see the pics and hear all about it.

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Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Refill needed

Mmmm mmm mmm coffee in my fluff mug.

Need a refill in my cup and my soul. I finished jewelry special order, but have much to do to prepare for Queen of Arts this year. I feel the unrealistic pressure of what is expected vs what I can produce. Guess I better hit it and get organized. Stay tuned to see works in progress and feel free to leave words of encouragement.

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