Sunday, June 19, 2005

Cachuma Lake

Donn And me went to Cachuma Sat. for his company picnic part of which included a free boat rental. We got so carried away in the boat we missed the BBQ. We were sooo sunburned and tired, we did not even bother to drive down to the site. We just left. The boat was so fun though! Donn was the captain, of course. I want to just relax and enjoy the ride. Donn is now Captain Ahab Jr. (or Reh-hab prenounced ray-hab) We laughed a lot! Got to see a lot of Western Grebes and their very cute babies. You could see them getting a ride on their parent's back. CUTE CUTE CUTE. Some of the males charged are boad and squaked loudly before they dove under us. Today I have been procrastinating from getting my AJPs done. I better get to it!

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