Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Packing Packing Packing and Working
I am exhausted!!! My mind is scrambled. It is very hard to pack at night and work durring the day. It might not be so bad if my job was easy, but it is not. We are gearing up for the summer season. I am tying to be good and stay in shape too, which I should just put on hold 'til I am done with moving, but I really want to loose weight darn it! So I work all day, run errands, drive home(40min), eat, go to the gym, come home and pack, shower then bed....YUCK! No wonder I cannot sleep. Anyway.... art is on hold for a bit, but then I plan to SPLURGE!! with art that is. One and a half more weeks and it will be a done deal. I better get back to what ever I was doing...I don't even know where I am right now.
Sunday, April 16, 2006

Here is the photo with me on St. Ptricks Day with that green beer.
-----------------------------------------> I am also posting the ATCs I said I would post with the birds. I might have said this before, I am on a real bird and branch kick. As for what I am up to...let me just say that MOVING SUCKS!! I could go into details, but I will spare you. Speaking of which...I need to get back to the packing, sorting and getting rid of. BYE!
My poor car!
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Sunday, April 09, 2006
Let's Try and Recap

It has been a long time since I have blogged. I am moving at the end of this month so all is a bit crazy and I do not get on the computer much. I finished and sent of the true colors II book (the bird) that was a fun one and I sent it off early. I went to an art class in Santa Anna wich was fun. I made a long and narrow journal. It is sewn together but not finished. I learned some new techniques in acrylic. I went to see Donn. We met in Oakland and got free passes to Great America. The Invertago (behind Donn's head) was the BEST ride!! So scary! But the bumper cars with our large group was really fun. Next time I see Donn it will be amoungst total chaos and stress: i.e. THE MOVE. Crazy!
I went to an opening at UCSB for the journals of Dan Eldon. That was really neat to see then in person and hear his mom speak and see all his friends he had photoed in his journals, but I sometimes forget how snotty Santa Barbarians can be. I will have to go back with mom sometime and get a better look. This was one of the journals. I would post the green beer and my last ATCs but I am logged into the wrong part of my computer.

My car got hit by a rock on the way home from seeing Eldon's show :( It luckily only took out half of one headlight. My high beems and day lights do not work, only the regular headlights. I hope to get that fixed soon. Well I better get off to the gym, check on an item in Solvang and then get back to cleaning, sorting and packing. Way too much to do!!
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