I hope someday to have, go to, or dabble in a New Year Cocktail party. I hope to finish this journal soon and love it and start 2 or 3 more. I hope to get back into my artist's life, but not sacrifice the wonderful time I get to be with my baby. I hope to be able to fill my new Etsy store with art and works that boosts my art self-esteem and to gain fans at a steady pace. I hope to paint this year ( I think I did no paintings in 2010 bummer). I hope to find an amazing balance in work, life, momness, art, friends and Internet. Hehe. I have many more hopes and dreams, but I feel overwhelmed already.
Success to all of us, whatever we decide to devote our priceless time and energies to! ( even if it is getting a load of laundry folded and put away)
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