I am never a huge fan of photos of myself, but my Birthday is almost here, and self reflection is important. I also did a super quick self portrait in a new book I got that was made to draw in. It was another beautiful day! The rain has brought dramatic skies and mind blowing foliage. I think I am finally getting some art ability back into my veins. My paper mache birds are slowly coming along. The first one is done and has me hot to finish the others.
I got 2 hours of much needed alone time thanks to my baby's daddy and my awesome mom! It was so needed and was very enjoyable (big happy basking in sun sigh...aaaaaaahh!) I got little really done done, but my head unwound a bit and I could see me a little better. And what a bonus to come home to my daughter and smiling family with my kitchen table all set with these beautiful protea flowers and a HB card my Baby made me.
The cake was super cool! I love the way my mom tops cakes!! So fun!
Went to Avila and SLO yesterday fro some great family time. Baby rode a pony for the first time and she was a natural! The weather has been a lot of fun! So awesome in a way only nature can create. Photos cannot quite capture all the magic. Makes me feel so fortunate to have eyes and to be an artist. Happy April everyone!!
P.S. I have a big silver order coming to make some very special jewelry pieces that I make exclusively for Imagine Gallery. Stay tuned!!