Hope everyone enjoyed their St Patrick's Day! I had fun making some simple felt pins for some friends. I also had a wonderful outdoor dinner at my mom's with corned beef and yummy potatoes.
A good friend of mine had a Birthday and I am pretty sure that composition books are her favorite journals, so I made her a cover for one. This was another one of my totally made up-with no plan patterns ;) I think it came out alright. It passed the fits-on-a-comp-book test.
My mom and me had some fun making large rainbow puff pom poms out of tissue paper. They were a great alternative to balloons. My daughter loved them.
Solvang's flowers are doing their thing. It is hard not to stop and get some photos.
Here was the Birthday crown this year. My camera failed to capture any of the photos I took with her in it....so odd and sad. I also made her a little shadow box with a princess and a unicorn. I hope she likes it.
Hope you all had a fun Easter! Spring is a wonderful time. I am overflowing with inspiration yet I am too busy to express myself. I feel a new painting wanting out.
1 comment:
Jill, looks like you had a grand March.
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