Saturday, March 18, 2006
St Patrick's Day
Had a great time this year for St. Patricks Day. Finally had my green beer! I dreamed about it ever since I turned 21, and it finally happened. It was not how I pictured it though. I always imagined a frosty mug with green beer with a big, green foamy head on it. I will post the picture later. Last year was nice too (Ithink it was last year). I went to the Mercury Lounge and drank a few guiness in which the bar tender poured a clover design into its head. Very classy. There was also a pot luck on the pool table, a real intimate homey feeling. Donn went to the billy goat and drank guiness and harp all night. We both had fun. I am off to get my cornedbeef and potatoes (do not like cabbage too much) Later
Sunday, March 12, 2006
scetchcrawl downtown LA

It is fun to work on colored paper with white water color paint. So much fun! I did start sewing that purse. It is smaller that I thought it was going to be. Maybe next time I will have to alter the pattern. I always wanted a cool artsy purse and now it is halk way made! Next will be to finish that and get onto the jewelry. I also want to work in one of my journals and add birds like the ones I made for the ATC SB trade. I will post those later. Still feel overwhelmed with all the stuff I want to do. I will either have to get more efficient with my time or learn to live with this feeling. Bye
Saturday, March 11, 2006
Just Got Back
Just got back from the So Cal sketchcrawl with Danny Gregory. That was a lot of fun!! I cannot wait to go back and bring Mom. We could take the Amtrak up and back. Union Station is picturesque and Olivera St. is too with its old style buildings and beautiful park. Not a good place to be alone tho, and the parking was confusing. I will post the pictures tomorrow. Donn has survived some very cold nights up in Shasta. It was 20 degrees last night there..BUURRrrr. Wish I was there to snuggle up:) It was supossed to rain the whole day in LA and it did not rain the whole time! What good fortune. Well I am exhausted! I am off to bed early with the kitty after a nice hot shower.
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
My Brain is on Fire
I am neurotically straightening the house. I really need to get to some art work. Tonight I have an ATC deadline so I hope to get to that. There is so much I want to do and so little time that I have a hard time getting started. So much jewelry, paper arts, video games, computer downloads, cleaning and sorting to do. I just pace the house doing small things here and there, it is not efficient. I did lay down and relax last night. I think that is a step in the right direction. I want to sew a purse, finish Donn's ring, finish LE's charm, and do a bunch of ATCs for tomorrow. I am out of breath again just thinking about it. Lets hope SOMETHING gets done. I will try and post photos of what ever I do. Later...
Sunday, March 05, 2006
Donn is Now in Shasta
Mom came over today and really helped me kick start the cleaning of my appartment. I cannot wait to get started on the rest. I also cannot wait to get some projects done. I am keeping as busy as I can to keep from getting too lonely with Donn gone. It sounds like he is doing the same. I miss him and wounder what he is doing. He said it was snowing up there. I wish I was there and could play in the snow. It is good to finally have the time and "space" to go thru everthing and weed out as much as I can. Boy is there going to be some great art stuff for who ever is lucky enough to catch my art garage sale. No time prediction yet. I do need to get going and go thru ALL my collage stuff and old wrapping paper for mom to take to Art Fest. It is so much easier to get rid of art stuff when you know it will go to good use. Well it is WAY past the time I wanted to go to bed. I am hopping to go to Cold Springs tomorow and finish some ATCs. I started a series of ones in a dif. style than I have done before and I really like them. It will be hard to give them away :)
True colors journal II finally added
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