Monday, November 07, 2011

Queen of Arts Show Number One is Over

 Here are a few highlights of some of the new necklaces I made for the holidays. This is a large set turquoise stone with faceted garnets on the necklace. I really enjoyed matching up all the colors. Now I am working on photographing them to add to my Etsy shop. So far I added 2, but I am not happy with the lighting. I really need to take the shots during the day. Maybe I will work on that tomorrow.

Here is our next show for any of you who missed out! Sure hope to see you there!
 Here are some blurry photos of my spot I had at the Queen of Arts show at the Elverhoj Museum last weekend. I think my camera is dying. Maybe I will be getting myself a new Christmas gift: a new camera.

I sure had fun at the show! I only wish I had more time to mingle a bit. It was fun to have my daughter by my side though. Hope to see everyone soon! Oh, and I am hoping to get my mural screen finished so you must all come and oogle it!

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