I just got back from visiting my sister and her husband down in LA. SOooOOooOoo much fun! I am now working on an addiction to World of Warcraft. I am really going to have to budget my time now :) My sis took me to all these great places I had always wanted to go. GR2, GReats, and just GR, all of which were so cool!! I was very good not to buy everything in sight (because you know I wanted to). The food at GReats was very unique, and tasted amazing too. Who would have thought that frenchfries, yams and BANANAS would all taste so good together (there could have been more bananas..those were surprisingly tasty). And the burger was yummy. We went to a Japanese market after that and found lots of goodies. As if all that was not enough, we all got gussied-up and went to Hollywood to a place called the Geisha House for dinner. WOW! I cannot describe how cool that was, you will have to find their site. We then topped the whole thing off with a movie at the Arclight theater. LE was hot to see The Illusionist. It was a very good movie. The way it was filmed really set a mood. The score was perfect for the movie and LE said they used some sort of old style filming process which was subtle, but put a perfect visual effect to match the essence of the movie. If only we did not require sleep. I say that because it was so fun to play World of Warcraft with LE and Jon...with our cute posey of Taurens (cows). I have purchased my own game and I am working on getting it started right now, but it is already so late so I will probably have to do the trial run tomorrow :( Well I better get ready for bed...Nite!

I'm afraid to ask, what's 'world of warcraft?'
It is an online game where you play with other characters from around the world. I play with my husband, sister, and her husband. It has a lot of quests that involve killing things tho.
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