Making the thyme simple syrup was super easy. 1 cup water, 1 cup sugar, and 8 sprigs of fresh thyme. I boiled them till the sugar dissolved then let it cool. I filtered the liquid into a container and put it in the refrigerator.

I juiced 12 lemons and put the juice in the freezer. 2 cups of the lemon juice+1 cup vodka+1cup syrup=yummy and refreshing!

Then it took me a long time with a cheap knife to cut off the zest for an experiment I will start next week in alcohol making. If I had just prepped for the vodka drink, it would have been done in under an hour.

The zest took me an hour, but I am hopping it will be way worth it. Man! The zest sneers sooooooo good!! Whole process reminds me of my sister. Ever since our trip to Seattle last year to see her, I have wanted to make infused liquors. She is so me inspiration in all this. It is the Holidays and I miss her.
So glad the crunch season is over, now on to some new projects! I Better get to bed, still fighting this could I have had all vacation long....yuck!!
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