Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Almost Done with Paper Project

After painting and cutting all that paper, I finally find time to spray paint some extra little bits of detail. I often have people ask me about the papers in my hand made journals, so I decided to make a bunch of this paper and sell it in packages in my Etsy Shop. It was fun to make. I have never done this in a large quantity before. I will start packaging them up soon.

 I will be posting some photos of how the packets come together. I hope people will like them as much as I do. It would be really cool if people bought them and then sent me pictures of what they made!
 It was my Mom's birthday last week and I somewhere found time to make her a little gifttie. I like to make these little diorama-like things with my daughter in them for her. I love making them and they always seem to turn out pretty neat.
 The sunsets and mornings have been so very beautiful lately. Here was a quick snapshot out my car's front window on the way to work.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very nice!