Sunday, December 31, 2006
I Got a New Laptop!!
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Thanks to LE!!

Here is my new mount!! An early Christmas gift from my Sister! He is so cute!! And more running everywhere on foot for me! Ha Ha I got to level 40 just in time! Donn will be here Wed night. It should be nice to have a man again :) I better get to is late and I have to work early.
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
I am a Zombie
Friday, December 01, 2006
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Saturday, October 07, 2006
Oh Man!

Only one more month before the show and I do not have enough started. I got some stuff started today and looked at what I had half done from before. This show will be a touch skimpy as far as my work is concerned. I was hoping to get some journals made, but I think I should get the jewelry done first.
This was the green and copper True Colors 2 journal I had a while back. A bad self portrait and my cat Willy. I have not seen the next journal in over a month. I do not even know what color it will be. I did get my second 1001 Journals journal and just sent that out today after having it for a week. Nothing worth posting just looks like my regular journal with lots of writting and doodles. I have to finish some ATCs this weekend for our trade. I will be doing white ink on black cards of skulls for a Halloween theme.

These are two of three necklaces that Immagine Gallery bought. I have two more in the works and two that are little song birds. The song birds will go into the show. I better go so I can get some game playing in.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Alright..Here We Go..
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Okay, Back to Reality...Mostly
Back to work now, lunch is over.
Saturday, September 09, 2006
World of Warcraft Breakdown

Cyrruss is my first World of Warcraft Character (a warior) that I started at Le and Jon's place in August. We are a little cow unit in Tanaris. Jon is a cow named Ah and LE is a cow named Oh. They are both majic users. This got me soooo hooked I could barely wait to get back home and start an account.

Then there is the Ork, Rumpljillski. It was going to be Rumpljillskin (one of Donn's nicknames for me from a long time ago) but it was too long. She is established in Anvilmar where Donn was an Ork as well named Deermountain. We try to group up together to level up faster, but he is such a nubie that it has taken forever. He also does not usually play at the same time I do so it has been real slow with those two. It should work well because he is a warior and I am a hunter. Oh well...To pick up the slack I created a few more characters.

Meetoo was originally created so I could communicate with LE and Jon and their regular group of characters, the most of which are in Cenarius, but now he is at level 17! That is my highest level guy. Another warior and my only "good guy" because he is a Knight Elf. I paired up with a few people I bumped into there on Labor day weekend and we kicked some ass! Jon has a rogue in that area that is level 19 that helped me out a lot as well. So much fun! I will work on him some more tonight. I have some sirens to kill and some mushrooms to pick with that guy.

Last, but not least is my Troll Hunter Kittsky. She is level 12 right now and has a pet boar named the boarinator. I would rather a tiger, but he was the highest level beast in the area at the time. I would dismiss him, but after a couple battles together, I have grown a bit attached. I have revived him 2-3 times already. I can I dismiss an animal that has given his life for me a few times already? Sure he is old and splotchy and smelly, But at least he doesn't attract flies, like those nasty centars.
As you can see I am getting seriously obsessed. I find it so saticfying tho and it really makes a crapy day at work just disappear. I better get some jewelry work done now so I can justify another night of W.O.W..
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Some Sketches
Sunday, August 20, 2006
Another Great Weekend!!

I just got back from visiting my sister and her husband down in LA. SOooOOooOoo much fun! I am now working on an addiction to World of Warcraft. I am really going to have to budget my time now :) My sis took me to all these great places I had always wanted to go. GR2, GReats, and just GR, all of which were so cool!! I was very good not to buy everything in sight (because you know I wanted to). The food at GReats was very unique, and tasted amazing too. Who would have thought that frenchfries, yams and BANANAS would all taste so good together (there could have been more bananas..those were surprisingly tasty). And the burger was yummy. We went to a Japanese market after that and found lots of goodies. As if all that was not enough, we all got gussied-up and went to Hollywood to a place called the Geisha House for dinner. WOW! I cannot describe how cool that was, you will have to find their site. We then topped the whole thing off with a movie at the Arclight theater. LE was hot to see The Illusionist. It was a very good movie. The way it was filmed really set a mood. The score was perfect for the movie and LE said they used some sort of old style filming process which was subtle, but put a perfect visual effect to match the essence of the movie. If only we did not require sleep. I say that because it was so fun to play World of Warcraft with LE and Jon...with our cute posey of Taurens (cows). I have purchased my own game and I am working on getting it started right now, but it is already so late so I will probably have to do the trial run tomorrow :( Well I better get ready for bed...Nite!

Saturday, August 19, 2006
The Geisha House
Geisha house fallen sun drink. Hangin out with LE and J Dog. Way fun!
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Wednesday, August 16, 2006
I Had a Nice Weekend

Thursday after work I drove to Monterey to meet up with Donn for our 4 year wedding anniversary. We went to the Monterey Bay Aquarium on Friday and just hung out in Monterey Saturday. Sunday we went to breakfast and parted ways. I miss him a lot. For Sunday's drive back, I decided to take Hiway 1 all the way. I stopped many times to take photos or do a sketch. I ate at Nepenthe (photo in "View" entry) and browsed the phoenix shop. Lots of great jewelry there. All the views were so beautiful! I ended the trip with my last bit of money at Haufragh's (not spelled right) in Morro Bay for a beef dip sandwich. This weekend I plan on seeing my sister in LA, that should be a blast!! I better finish my project I am working on and get to bed. I am exhausted!!

Sunday, August 13, 2006
Nepenthe in big sur
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Saturday, August 12, 2006
Another drink
Orangedrop @ el toritos in montery
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Sunday, August 06, 2006
Yet another drink photo. Can you see the flag pole in the background? I did a quick, not so good sketch of it. I may or may not post.
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Saturday, August 05, 2006
This was a maui and pinapple from a couple weeks ago at enterprise fish co. with the 9 e girls.
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Maui punch at CPK in San Luis Obispo.
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Thursday, August 03, 2006
Heat Wave Finally Over, For Now
Sunday, July 23, 2006
Trip to Getty and a Dodger Game

Went to The Getty for a sketchcrawl, but could not find anyone. That place is huge! So pretty and only cost $7. Amazing! Too hot though, but so was ... everywhere. I hope everyone posts their work since I was not able to meet up. I had never been there before and cannot wait to go back ... when it is cooler.
Went to my sister and her husband's new place and dipped in her pool after the Getty then we all went to a Dodger Game. It was 98 at the game and the Dodgers lost. It was fun though, and it did cool off towards the end.
Wow Has it been hot. I am not sleeping well at all. It is going on 3 weeks straight now! Enough already! The whole country is too hot. Man I wish I had AC. It is late and I have work tomorrow so I better at least try to sleep before then. It is now 87 in my room.
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Mount Shasta
Sunday, July 02, 2006
Zebra is Done!

ALLRIGHT...i FINISHED THE bLACK, wHITE, AND oNE cOLOR jOURNAL!!!!!The paper was black so I used white ink with a dip pen to draw all the white stripes (took me a total of like 5 hours just to do that part). I will post a detail later so you can see what I mean. I hope Toni likes it, it is not like any of the other entries. I better get off to bed now.
Saturday, July 01, 2006
Procrastinating..Or is it Just too Hot
Thursday, June 29, 2006
kyoto is my fave sushi place. sashimi on its way.
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Monday, June 26, 2006
Here are Some Sketches

I have been wanting to post these sketches, but had to wait for the DSL. I will post a photo of the Black, White and One other color True Colors II Journal page when I finish it. So far I have the image traced onto the pages. The pages are almost 12" by 12" and I am doing a spread so it is a large order to fill.
I have some more sketches that I will post later. The top one is my favorite.
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Saturday, June 24, 2006
I H A V E D S L A G A I N ! ! ! ! ! !
It was a nice beach day. just might just have to go tomorrow too.
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Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Too Bad I Cannot post Photos right now
Monday, June 12, 2006
Still No DSL
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
DSL Still Down
Sunday, May 28, 2006
Back Again
Monday, May 08, 2006
I Moved
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Packing Packing Packing and Working
Sunday, April 16, 2006

Here is the photo with me on St. Ptricks Day with that green beer.
-----------------------------------------> I am also posting the ATCs I said I would post with the birds. I might have said this before, I am on a real bird and branch kick. As for what I am up to...let me just say that MOVING SUCKS!! I could go into details, but I will spare you. Speaking of which...I need to get back to the packing, sorting and getting rid of. BYE!
My poor car!
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Sunday, April 09, 2006
Let's Try and Recap

It has been a long time since I have blogged. I am moving at the end of this month so all is a bit crazy and I do not get on the computer much. I finished and sent of the true colors II book (the bird) that was a fun one and I sent it off early. I went to an art class in Santa Anna wich was fun. I made a long and narrow journal. It is sewn together but not finished. I learned some new techniques in acrylic. I went to see Donn. We met in Oakland and got free passes to Great America. The Invertago (behind Donn's head) was the BEST ride!! So scary! But the bumper cars with our large group was really fun. Next time I see Donn it will be amoungst total chaos and stress: i.e. THE MOVE. Crazy!
I went to an opening at UCSB for the journals of Dan Eldon. That was really neat to see then in person and hear his mom speak and see all his friends he had photoed in his journals, but I sometimes forget how snotty Santa Barbarians can be. I will have to go back with mom sometime and get a better look. This was one of the journals. I would post the green beer and my last ATCs but I am logged into the wrong part of my computer.

My car got hit by a rock on the way home from seeing Eldon's show :( It luckily only took out half of one headlight. My high beems and day lights do not work, only the regular headlights. I hope to get that fixed soon. Well I better get off to the gym, check on an item in Solvang and then get back to cleaning, sorting and packing. Way too much to do!!
Saturday, March 18, 2006
St Patrick's Day
Sunday, March 12, 2006
scetchcrawl downtown LA

It is fun to work on colored paper with white water color paint. So much fun! I did start sewing that purse. It is smaller that I thought it was going to be. Maybe next time I will have to alter the pattern. I always wanted a cool artsy purse and now it is halk way made! Next will be to finish that and get onto the jewelry. I also want to work in one of my journals and add birds like the ones I made for the ATC SB trade. I will post those later. Still feel overwhelmed with all the stuff I want to do. I will either have to get more efficient with my time or learn to live with this feeling. Bye